June 14, 2024

The Biden campaign has wished Donald Trump a happy birthday today in the trolliest way possible. They listed Trump's felony convictictions, his allies who have gone to prison, that "Donald oversaw the largest single-year increase in violent crime ever recorded," his promise to pardon violent rioters, that he lost the House and Senate, that he endorsed an abortion ban, that his former vice-president won't endorse him, proposing to cut Medicare and Social Security (four times!), that he failed as a steak salesman, that “Trump Org.” was convicted for failing to pay its taxes, that he's a golf cheat, that he was impeached (twice!), that he's a racist birther, that he falls asleep "a lot", and they listed his bankruptcies. And that's the shortlist.

"Damn, we hit 78, but for those wondering – Donald has 27 more felony convictions and a lot of other stuff," Biden-Harris 2024 spokesman James Singer writes. "But you know, sometimes you gotta stick to the shtick

“Happy birthday, Donald. You’re a crook, a failure, a fraud, and a threat to our democracy, economy, rights, and future," the email adds. “On behalf of America, our early gift for your 79th: Making sure you are never President again.”

A few folks on Xitter are wishing Lumpy a happy birthday, too.

Turn up the volume:

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