Fox's Jesse Watters once again working the refs for Trump ahead of next week's debate, accusing Biden of being "in a bunker," because heaven forbid he went to Camp David to prep.
June 21, 2024

Fox's Jesse Watters once again working the refs for Trump ahead of next week's debate, accusing Biden of being "in a bunker," because heaven forbid he went to Camp David to prep. They really do have trouble coming up with new material on Murdoch's propaganda channel.

This sounds a lot like the crap they were spewing during the presidential campaign because Biden wasn't out there having super-spreader events like Trump, so they accused Biden of hiding in his basement.

Here's some of Watters' opening from this Thursday's show, where he tries to paint Biden as being too incompetent to debate Trump without prepping, repeats Trump's smear that Biden will be "jacked-up" on some sort of drugs during the debate, attacks the media for pointing out how nasty Trump's cocaine attacks against Biden were, and then tries to laugh it all off as one big joke.

WATTERS: We're one week from the CNN presidential debate and Joe Biden is officially off the grid. The president's taking the entire week off so he can cram at Camp David. Primetime expects Biden to sling the same corny lines and hoaxes Democrats have been pushing for years. But sources tell CBS that Biden has a surprise up his sleeve.

CBS REPORTER: We should expect some surprises as well because this is such a critical performance for President Biden not only on the content, but on his physical performance as well.

WATTERS: Surprise, physical performance? What does that even mean? Is he going to rip his shirt off and do push-ups like RFK? What does CBS know?

CASTELLANOS: Republicans should control their high hopes here because I think Biden has performed at big events like States of the Union. They give him his debate Viagra and he's good for a good for, you know, thirty minutes. If he's still debating after four hours we'll have to call the doctors.

WATTERS: Trump on the other hand isn't taking the week off from campaigning. He's doing a rally in Philly Saturday taking a big bite out of the Biden base. The former president says rallies are the way he does debate prep.

TRUMP: Is anybody going to watch the debate? He's going to be so pumped up, he's going to be pumped up. You know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the White House? What happened? Who left it? Somebody left it there. I wonder, let's see, somebody left a laptop in an office of a gentleman who was supposed to fix the laptop from hell. He never picked it up and somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. I wonder who that could have been. I don't know. Actually I think it was Joe.

WATTERS: Now we know it wasn't Joe's Coke but it's funny. Trump knows that. The crowd knows that. The only one who doesn't know it is the media.

COLLINS: I can't even believe I have to fact check that one, I guess if that's what you're calling it, but it was not President Biden.

DEBLASIO: What's happened in the last few months is, convicted felon, more extreme statements even than ever before. I mean, this cocaine example, this is normal now for Donald Trump to throw anything out there.

BRZEZINSKI: Donald Trump on stage suggesting that President Biden will be on cocaine. To back up the point I'll make here, this individual, this candidate, this convicted felon, plays dirty. He plays ugly. He's done it many times in the past. We could spend the next three and a half hours listing his lies. We wouldn't get through them. He lies like a rug.

WATTERS: I mean, they're fact checking his jokes. The media doesn't see anything funny about cocaine found in the White House. Nothing funny? Or Joe's dog, Cujo, nothing funny at all? Or the president's scared to dance at a Juneteenth party. That's not funny?

When Trump's riffing and making the media fact check jokes, and has a positive message, that's a dangerous Donald. When's the last time we saw that kind of swagger?

So the glitches are "jokes," and now the nastiness that everyone knows full well his supporters believe that Biden is going to be "jacked-up" on drugs for the debate, are just "jokes" as well.

Sure Jesse. I hate to break it to him, but those MAGA cult rally stream of consciousnesses debacles of Trump's are not "debate prep." They're the opposite of "debate prep," because he's not going to be allowed to ramble on endlessly, or have his cultists there cheering him on.

Trump is actually doing some debate prep and CNN reports that he has been for weeks, but only one of the two candidates gets accused of being "in a bunker" for taking some time out to get ready. Imagine that.

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