Mike's Blog Round-Up
Not a PalmCredit: M. Bouffant
June 2, 2024

Remember, Sunday Means That Tomorrow Is Monday

Burr Deming of FairAndUnbalanced is back from his legal travails w/ everything you need to read on the former guy's legal travails.

A few words on Bill Walton from First Draft.

Muleskinner Blues: Vixen Strangely reports it's tough to skin 2,000 of 'em.

From the suggestion box: The Polls, Nate Silver, yada, "deconstructed" (or some other woke expression) by Calico Jack.

Bonus: Steve M. on what Trump-aligned commenters are threatening, or hoping/trying to incite, against the judge, the jury, & "some leftys".

By M. Bouffant. Suggestions to: mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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