Pastor Robert Morris Asked His Accuser How Much Her Silence Would Cost
Credit: Robert Morris
June 28, 2024

In addition to being a pedophile, Pastor Robert Morris is also cheap. According to this website, Morris is now worth an estimated $117mil.

We've detailed more about Morris, the mega church pastor who preyed on a then twelve-year-old Cindy Climishere when he was a young pastor and already married, here and here.

Source: NBC News

Robert Morris, a pastor and the founder of Gateway Church, wanted to know what it was going to take to prevent the woman on the phone from going public with her accusation that he’d sexually abused her as a child.

“Put a price on it,” Morris said on Sept. 22, 2005, according to a document that appears to be a transcript of a phone call. The document was provided to NBC News by a former Gateway staff member.

“It is not a small number,” the woman, Cindy Clemishire, responded, according to the transcript. “Money doesn’t make you happy and I can understand that. So that is not what this is about.”

Morris again pressed her to name a figure.

“Two Million Dollars,” Clemishire said, the transcript shows.

A moment later, Morris ended the conversation.

NBC's report.

"Morris blamed her (his victim) as being flirtatious & having a jezebel spirit."

And what the fuck does sexually abusing a twelve-year-old child have to do with that? Well, here's an undated sermon from the good pastor on just that subject.

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