78-Year-Old Lunatic Describes Himself As A 'Brilliant Young Man'
Credit: Screen capture
July 23, 2024

Donald Trump took to his safe place at Truth Social to unleash a rant attacking Kamala Harris, who, by the way, is one of the most accomplished vice presidents of our lifetime. She didn't turn into a potato like Mike Pence, complete with a fly on his head. Trump has finally assigned a nickname to his likely opponent: Lyin' Kamala Harris. He doesn't say what she lied about, though, and he regurgitated that nickname as if he's running out of juvenile attacks. Hillary was corrupt Hillary; then he reused that name immediately for Joe Biden.

While calling Harris incompetent, Trump said she has "terrible pole numbers" while describing himself as a "fine and brilliant young man."

By the way, Trump is old enough to be Kamala Harris's father. She's 59.

If Donald is pole dancing now, I do not want to know about it, K?

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