Fox News contributor Juan Williams reminded his colleagues that the man who allegedly attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump was a Republican.
July 14, 2024

Fox News contributor Juan Williams reminded his colleagues that the man who allegedly attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump was a Republican.

"I mean, it's not only when you think about the president, former President Trump, but also the people in the audience, the people who died, and you understand the danger," Williams explained during a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday. "It just makes you feel like the country is, the level of political polarization in the country is at a danger point."

"It's, I think, a reflection of the divisions within the United States today, not only liberal, conservative, but also on the extremes," he continued. "This young man, they say he's a Republican."

Williams said he found the scenario puzzling.

"The whole thing is just like, especially with the Internet, I think the Internet feeds a lot of the extremism that we're experiencing in the country, drives people," he explained. "The politics of grievance, anger, all the conspiracy theories."

"We're talking about the investigations about the agencies that were guarding former President Trump," he added. "Now it's becoming politicized because of the Republican-controlled House seems to take the lead and going after this."

Williams expected the Republican National Convention to "become a more zealous affirmation of President Trump as a martyr for having been shot at, and I think it's going to change the whole tone."

The FBI has identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. Although a motive for the assassination attempt was unclear, Pennsylvania voter records listed a person with his name and address as a Republican, according to NBC News.

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