Mike's Blog Round-Up
No Longer Working Emergency Warning Siren Is Needed AgainCredit: M. Bouffant
July 2, 2024

The Immunity Edition

"Lock him up!" advises Cassandra's Grandson, & he's correct! Clear & present danger to national security.

Dispatches From A Collapsing State engages in completely justified hand-wringing.

Slacktivist quotes a book of Samuel on the subject of kings.

Letters from an American examines Trump's jobs program. Can you say "Underclass"?

And a bonus from Yastreblyansky.

Non-fiction historical bonus: Today, July 2, is actually the day the Declaration of Independence was signed.

M. Bouffant assembled this w/o looking at the instructions once! Your submissions are anxiously awaited at mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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