September 26, 2024

After Donald J. Trump bizarrely claimed without evidence that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ comments had inspired the latest assasination attempt, someone shot at Harris' Tempe, Arizona, campaign office early Monday morning, making it the second gun attack in a week.

Via ABC News:

Police in Tempe, Arizona, responded to the office, which the local Democratic Party also uses, after they received calls from staffers about the damage. At least five bullet holes were found in the windows and the door.

"No one was inside the office during the overnight hours, but this raises concerns about the safety of those who work in that building, as well as those nearby," Tempe Police spokesperson Sgt. Ryan Cook told ABC News.

Tempe police said they were analyzing evidence and were taking "additional measures" after the shooting "to ensure the safety of staff and others in the area." A motive for the shooting has not yet been determined, and the investigation continues, according to the police.

The same office was shot at just a week prior, on Sept. 16, in an incident the police said appeared to involve a BB or pellet gun. That shooting also happened just after midnight and caused "criminal damage," according to the police


The master of projection blamed Biden and Harris nearly two weeks ago for their political rhetoric.

Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country and they are the ones that are destroying the country — both from the inside and out,” Trump said on the same day the Harris office was attacked.

As the Republican nominee in 2016, Trump suggested there is "nothing" that can be done to stop Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court picks, except "maybe" the "Second Amendment people."

It's not just Trump but his supporters, too. He's the arsonist who starts a fire, then takes safe cover and later comes out to blame the people who were burned. Every single time.

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