September 3, 2024

Fox News hosts continue to undermine the Harris-Walz ticket in any way possible, and today, they used a most ridiculous line of attack. Earbuds!

Host John Roberts opened the short segment by commenting that Kamala Harris refuses to do TV interviews. So Fox News came up with a new talking point. Who knew talking on the phone would become a new wingnut conspiracy?

Here's Roberts in action:

ROBERTS: Presidential nominee Kamala Harris. She did break her media silence last week in a sit-down interview alongside running mate Tim Walz, but now she appears to be using a new method to dodge press questions.

A pair of earbuds.

Watch this.

[Roll video of Harris getting out of Airforce 2. We see she is wearing earbuds. She waves to off-camera people and continues walking onto her plane.

Someone off-camera asks, "Is she on the phone?" Reporters were not badgering her with questions. There were no questions at all. ]

ROBERTS: So, was she really on a call, or was that just a feint?

Huh? OMG! Was it a fake out? Or a call? Inquiring minds want to know.

To Fox News, Kamala Harris potentially being on the phone is a license to conspiratorialize (my new word).

How lame is this?

EarbudGate? We're definitely entering "terrorist fist jab" territory here.

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