September 4, 2024

Earlier this morning on FOX Business, host Stuart Varney praised Kamala Harris's plan to give a $50,000 tax credit to small businesses so enthusiastically it forced RNC Chairman Michael Whatley to agree it was a good idea.

Varney began by hyping Kamala's tax plan, but Whatley veered off into his prepared talking points.

Varney forcibly came back to the topic.

VARNEY: I just want to press the point. When a political candidate comes up with what I think is a good idea, I have to call it a good idea.

And a $50,000 tax cut for small, not tax cut, but a tax credit for startups or small businesses coupled with less red tape, I gotta say that is a good idea regardless of our other tax ideas.

WHATLEY: While that may be a good idea, it's hard to see how she's going to move forward.

It's an easy plan to move forward.

While RNC co-chair Lara Trump is working on her singing career, such as it is, the DNC is out-raising the RNC by multiple millions.

Thanks, Michael, for agreeing that Kamala offered up an intelligent plan.

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