October 19, 2024

Donald Trump responded to some video questions while he joined FOX and Friends on Friday morning for another softball interview. One of the funnier questions was from a very cute little farm boy who asked Trump what his farm animal is.

Now, most politicians would welcome the chance to show their softer side, especially when talking to kids. You know, make it light hearted. Talk about animals, how they love them, memories as a kid, etc.

But Trump? NO. He answers that he loves cows and then has to make a ludicrous threat that if Kamala Harris wins, there won't be any more cows left.

This is what he said:

WHAT? The cows will all be killed? Will they run away? WHERE WILL THE COWS GO, DONALD??

Twitter thought he was psychotic:

I don't care what the polls say. This man cannot win. He is running to keep himself out of prison. Most of the establishment is supporting him a la Weekend at Bern's style so they can install President JD Vance on Day 1 and MAGA can't see it or stop it.

COWS. The man told a boy that cows will be gone??

Can you help us out?

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