October 20, 2024

Former New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a surrogate for Donald Trump, insisted that presidential "character" should not be a "top priority" for voters.

During an interview on Sunday, ABC host Martha Raddatz reminded Sununu that he had initially endorsed former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for president.

"Donald Trump hasn't exactly extended an olive branch to her," Raddatz noted. "Does he need to reach out instead of just that base and riling up that base?"

Sununu argued that some voters would never support Trump.

"In terms of the Nikki Haley voter, if you will, the vast majority of Nikki Haley voters are voting for Donald Trump," he insisted. "There's no question about that. There's maybe 3 or 4 or 5 percent, those never-Trumpers, more of the Chris Christie types, I like to call them."

"They're where they are, and they've been there for a long time," he added. "They're probably not moving. And again, they put kind of character and that kind of leadership style as a top priority."

"That's everyone's choice."

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