I'll believe that this Republican House is going go pass immigration reform when I see it. They've used the issue to keep their xenophobic base whipped into a frenzy in order to win elections. I can't see them backtracking from that now. That didn't stop House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy from claiming we're finally going to see them move on the issue this Sunday:
Top GOP Leader Insists Immigration Reform ‘Is Going To Happen’:
House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told CBS’s Face The Nation on Sunday that immigration reform is not “dead” and predicted that “it is going to happen in a step-by-step method.”
“I will tell you that the president came out and supported that the other day,” McCarthy said, referring to President Obama’s endorsement of a piecemeal approach last week.
The Republican leader’s comments come just weeks after he claimed that the Congress didn’t have time to debate the issue in 2013 and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) ruled out “ever going to conference” with the Senate-passed immigration bill.
But as immigration advocates continue to press for action, Republicans are walking the fine line of promising to address the broken immigration system without providing a timeline for reform. On Thursday, Boehner told reporters, “Is immigration reform dead? Absolutely not… I believe that Congress needs to deal with this issue.”
Neither Boehner nor McCarthy said when that will happen.
Of course they haven't.