As Think Progress noted, Rick Santorum decided to try to give some advice on dating and how to be a role model for African Americans to the Obamas on Greta Van Susteren's show.
Besides the absurdity of Santorum's remarks, as stef at Daily KOS points out, where were these guys when Bush was running off to the ranch every chance he got? From the diary:
At a bare minimum, for the flights alone, Bush's 77 vacation trips to Crawford cost us $226,072 per trip. That's $17,407,544 so he could ride his bicycle in the woods and clear brush for the cameras.
As the diarist notes, at least the president's date night to New York was an advertisement for the city. Van Susteren tries to justify the criticism by saying that times are different now because the economy is in the tank. I think they'd be attacking him no matter what the economy was like.