Content-wise, it's a hodgepodge of mishmash today. Quality-wise, these are all worth your while:
More on the confusing situation in Egypt. (Personally, I think Obama is doing a fine job handling the situation, though it was good to see Hillary come out strongly for "real democracy." It's long past time for America, which has enabled Mubarak-style tyranny for a long, long time, to promote its own purported principles.) Wait, the Saudis and Israelis are in bed with Mubarak? What gives?
With the GOP now apparently (and enthusiastically) the party of rape, how is it possible there are any Republican women?
Another partisan conservative judge comes down against the Affordable Care Act. Such stupid, misguided right-wing activism. What else is new?
From Distributorcap, an outstanding piece on the sad, horrible plight of migrant farm workers, recalling The Grapes of Wrath.
Guest post by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. Send your tips to mjwstickings AT yahoo DOT ca.