Well, it's great to be here again... And on Labor Day, no less. Or, as we say in Canada, Labour Day. Which means a great deal this year, what with the Republican assault on labo(u)r, on working men and women generally (and on children too, if they have their way) in full swing. Enjoy the day off, if you have it, but do not forget what this struggle is all about.
Distributorcap NY: Obama, a Lugar/Hagel/Warner Republican, may just be Dear Leader Rush's biggest wet dream.
Perrspectives: Job #1 for Congress's "super-committee" tackling the debt? Pay for America's wars. (And, yes, that means responsible taxation on the wealthy.)
The Duck of Minerva: Frank Gaffney calls for a new House Un-American Activities Committee. Muslims beware. You're the right's chosen villain/scapegoat/Other.
Newshoggers: A Republican operative leaves the cult. Mike Lofgren on how "the crackpot outliers" have become "the vital center."
Muddy Politics: The GOP's 2012 strategy? As in 2000, pick the dumbest one and pray for a miracle. (Yes, that means you, Rick Perry.)
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. I'll be here all week.
Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.
By Michael Stickings
— September 5, 2011