The Problem in Iraq is… liberals. (Just ask a “liberal”)
“These days, the biggest risk may come from the small but growing contingent on the left that wants to bring our troops home now." Is Nicholas Kristof insane? The problem with Iraq is the left? Excuse me. Right-wingers created this insane mess. They control all three branches of government and are determined to make everything worse, having admitted no mistakes and thrown out the people who tried to warn them of their delusions. And Kristof thinks the “biggest risk” comes from liberals? Just what is it he thinks we are going to do to upset this brilliant war effort? Write a really nasty folk-song? (Who would play it?) Next up: Kristof will blame us for Rush’s drug problem. (Is a job requirement for liberal Times columnists to say, “As a liberal, I say “the problem here is liberals” no matter how silly the situation? Did Krugman sign in invisible ink or did they forget this demand because they figured they were only hiring an economist?) on
By John Amato
— November 28, 2004
Just blame the liberals!
From Altercation: