June 17, 2005

A picture named dumbassesB.jpg

Live-Blogging from Gitmo

Their undying support of Gitmo and the " I heart Gitmo" T-shirt has given me an idea for them and Rush Limbaugh. I'm sending this new letter and hopefully they'll be the good patriots they purport to be!

Dear Power Line,

I just noticed the new "I love Gitmo" line of apparel from Café Press that you are promoting. What a wonderful idea you have. I was thinking along the same lines myself. Those lousy liberals hate our troops at every turn. Why can't they understand that each time they open their degenerate mouths, another one of our soldiers comes in harms way. We don't need voices of dissent in our great democracy. We need discipline. Discipline in the media. Discipline on TV, and discipline from the scurrilous Democratic Congress that is masquerading as caring Americans. They are nothing more than attention grabbing media whores looking for some petty recognition at the expense of our fine military. What really gets my goat is the total disrespect they show our commander in chief, lord and savior George W. Bush.

For your noble efforts in squashing these bugs of incivility I am sending Powerline three first class plane tickets to Guantanamo Bay so you can all fully show your love for this spiffy institution. Don't worry, the tickets are open-ended so you can come back whenever they decide to let you go. Included in your awe-inspiring stay will be three high-end wireless laptops with super duper batteries (I don't think they have power yet) so you can live blog your experiences from inside the prison cells. Then you can give the rest of the world up to the minute reports on just how fine the exquisite cuisine, sleeping accommodations, religious freedoms and wonderful treatment the rest of the population is receiving there instead of the media's liberal biased views.
Please don't thank me, You have all earned it.
Yours truly
Colonel Crooks and Liars

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Please don't thank me, You have all earned it.
Yours truly,
Colonel Crooks and Liars

P.S. Let me know if Chris Wallace is right about crapping yourself.

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