Here's the video of Joe saying he might run as an independent.
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LIEBERMAN: I'll always be a member of the Democratic party. I hope there's not a primary. I'm confident if there is one, I'll win it, but I'm not gonna rule out any other option for now because I feel so strongly that I can do better for the State of Connecticut for the next six years in the United States Senate that I want to give all the voters a chance to make that decision on Election day in November. I want to do it as a Democrat. If I didn't want to do it as a Democrat, I would choose to run in some other party, trust me. But I want to do it as a Democrat because I believe in the Democratic party, so really the choice is up to my fellow Democrats...
mcjoan raises a good point: "So what's Joe's game? Is he actually going to be out trying to get petitions signed for an Independent run while he's also running in the Democratic primary? Seems unlikely. It looks to me like he's trying to get the Party to force Lamont out of the race." on"
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