November 1, 2014

Real Time hos Bill Maher gave the Democrats who have been running away from President Obama and their own party's achievements a piece of his mind during his New Rules segment this Friday evening.

Bill Maher rips Democrats: ‘You gave people health care, not herpes — own it’:

Bill Maher ended Real Time on Friday by blasting Democrats for their apparent refusal to highlight their party’s successes in the midterm election campaigns.

“You gave people health care, not herpes — own it,” he said. “Instead of chasing polls, move them.”

Maher argued that Democratic candidates’ penchant for distancing themselves from President Barack Obama made him feel more sympathy for the president than his party mates.

“Sixty-three straight months of economic expansion,” Maher said. “A depression averted. A deficit reduced by two-thirds. A health care law that’s working and lowering costs. Two women on the Supreme Court. [Osama] bin Laden’s dead. Stock market at record heights. An unemployment rate that dropped from 10.2 [percent] to 5.9. If you’re a Fox News viewer trying to do the math, that’s less. Gas prices are down. Is it really that hard a record to get behind?”

He singled out North Carolina congressional candidate Clay Aiken for saying he didn’t need Obama to campaign with him because he was “doing well.”

“No you’re not,” Maher said. “You’re gay in North Carolina. Have you looked around? Half the state is redneck. Which is a huge improvement — it used to be all redneck.”

He wrapped things up by explaining why Aiken and many Democrats just like him are going to have trouble winning their elections next week.

MAHER: Democrats are always doing this, which is why they're just like Clay on American Idol, happy to come in second. To me, this sums it all up. On gay marriage, Clay Aiken said, it's not an issue that's really on the radar here. It's not something that affects people's daily lives.

Well, it affects some of them, like, I don't know... you. And this is why Clay Aiken is definitely going to lose. He's having trouble getting the Clay Aiken vote.

I agree whole heatedly. They're not going to win over Republicans by pretending to be Republican lite and all many of them have done is alienate their base. Sadly I'm sure those overpaid consultants they're listening to will still keep making the big bucks after they help a few more of them lose their races this time around.


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