June 18, 2018

Talking to Fox News' Dana Perino on Monday, Fox News' senior legal analyst bashed the Trump administration's recently instituted zero-tolerant policy towards migrant families, saying,"it is child abuse to separate children from their parents."

That's a direct rebuke to the Trump administration, Fox and Friends, Sec. Nielsen and Kellyanne Conway's crazed talking about only wanting to protect the de-familyed children.

Dana Perino interviewed Judge Napolitano on a host of issues and ended with discussing Trump's internement camps for children.

She outlined the Flores case via The New York Times and explained the three options available to the government.

Perino said, "The administration that they say they have discretion to not defend Obamacare in court, but they are saying they don't have discretion as what to do on Flores?"

Napolitano said Trump is trying to use negotiating skills but "I think he’s trying to use children to turn up the heat on the negotiators.”

"Of course they have the discretion to do this. “In my opinion, it is child abuse to separate children from their parents unless it’s necessary to save a human life and that's not the case.”

He continued, "“There’s a federal statute that says you can’t separate them more than 72 hours. They know all of this. They are picking and choosing which rules they want to follow rigidly and which rules they wish weren’t there.”

I would tell Trump to look in the mirror, but God only knows what he sees there.

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