Waiting for the Jury Edition ...
Down With Tyranny does the old compare & contrast w/ Pres. Carter & a worshipper of Mammon.
One-liners from Ironic Times, via Alternate Brain.
Booman has reasons to be hopeful about the mid-term elections: Trump & M.A.G.A. threaten women, & women don't like it one damn bit.
Aggregating the aggregators: Our own Infidel753 has enough to keep you glued to your seat. But do get up every once in a while; if you don't ...
Bonus Brain Track: Move your lardy asses! I stand up & walk (into the kitchen to stuff my face or get coffee) once in a while, you can too.
I being M. Bouffant, of leftist/anarchist Web Of Evil (& Ennui).
I'm also desperate: Advise me of your worthy-of-note post at mbru@crooksandliars.com.