Ted Cruz Regurgitates Tired 'MOAR GUNZ' Refrain To Grieving Mother Of Santa Fe Shooting
Credit: Screenshot
September 23, 2018

Rhonda Hart pushed her way into the middle of the crowd at Sen. Ted Cruz's rally, held at an Italian restaurant in Texas last Thursday night. She stood on a chair and stood up for her daughter, Kimberly. Kimberly was, is, and will always be 14 — she was killed in art class in the Santa Fe High School shooting earlier this year.

Hart shouted at Cruz, "Don't disrespect my daughter! My daughter died! My daughter died!" He tried to interrupt her while she addressed him, but she continued on, saying, "You still have not introduced common-sense reform!"

Like the Pavolovian dog he is, Cruz launched into his NRA talking points about the #1 thing that he (and the NRA) thinks will protect their wallets children: MOAR GUNZ IN SKOOLZ! He wants more armed security guards. He regurgitated the tired "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" bullshit. (How about stopping the bad guy from GETTING the gun?) Rhonda Hart wasn't buying it, but the rest of the room lapped it up like the good NRA puppies that they are.

Outside, Hart told a reporter why she was there:

"I wanted to be able to call him out. His inaction regarding the children of Santa Fe. Children died under his watch and he accepts money from the NRA. There is still not any sort of common-sense reform," she told the local station, referring to the National Rifle Association.

If by "common sense," she means measures to keep guns out of the hands of people who don't deserve them and shouldn't have them, let alone simply reducing the sheer mind-boggling NUMBER of them in circulation, Rhonda Hart is absolutely right.

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