Just because it's Black Friday doesn't mean that the Special Counsel's office is taking a day off. In fact, they are working hard at potentially hashing out a plea deal with notorious conspiracy theorist and Roger Stone associate, Jerome Corsi.
News broke early on Friday and Corsi confirmed it himself.
Just last week, Corsi went on his radio show and stated that he felt he was about to be indicted and begged his listeners to send him money via paypal. Well, it looks like he may have been right.
Corsi was interviewed by Mueller, many suspected, for any information he may know about Roger Stone's links to Wikileaks. Corsi and Stone claim to have only been hypothesizing about what they thought may happen, although there knowledge was so detailed (who was hacked and when the releases would happen) that it is almost preposterous to believe that they know nothing.
Corsi confirmed the plea negotiations, telling the Washington Post “It’s true. Your story is accurate.” It is not clear what Corsi has to offer to Mueller, though. If Mueller can somehow link Corsi to an insider at Wikileaks and then to Stone, it could put Stone in a tenuous position regarding the hacked emails.
Mueller's team had no comment, as usual. Roger Stone said that he was not aware of any plea discussions.