Quit wondering WHY President Trump does what he does. President Trump makes irrational decisions because he works for Russia and works against the United States of America. In the words of Vanilla Ice: Stop. Collaborate and Listen.
Our President is a Russian asset.
He doesn't care what happens to our country, he only cares how much money he can make before things fall apart.
It's a horrible situation but Americans must stop operating in a state of willful blindness. It's way past crisis time in the United States and we need every single one of us to pay attention.
Willful Blindness
Willful blindness is a real phenomenon. Our brains can't take in everything around us and humans filter the information we take in. The cognitive limits of our brains can't absorb every detail in the world around us, so we choose to let in or keep out certain information.
The idea that our country is being run by Russian controlled mobsters is terrifying. However, that's our current situation and we need to quit pretending that things are "business as usual".
Even Joe Scarborough has woken up to the fact that a criminal enterprise is running our country. The Morning Joe host and former GOP congressman slammed Trump's enablers this morning:
"Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Steve King. and all the Republicans on Capitol Hill that are ducking their heads. They are the co-conspirators, complicit by their action or, more importantly, by their silence. The party of Lincoln and the party of Reagan, they're suffering through a massive moral collapse. It is sad and it is dangerous for this country and I believe it is the beginning of the end."
Compare Fox News and Russian TV
Julia Davis tweeted a chilling comparison of Russian State TV and Fox News. They share the same exact messaging---even the same video footage! Russian TV and Fox News are broadcasting propaganda.

Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post says that Trump and the Russians are locked at the hip. Rubin knows that Trump and the Russians continue to work together:
Months after President Trump took office, Russia’s disinformation teams trained their sights on a new target: special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. Having worked to help get Trump into the White House, they now worked to neutralize the biggest threat to his staying there.
It's not a difficult formula to figure out. Our Anti-American President is doing quite a bit in plain sight!
Trump and his crew do not work for America. Now what are we going to do about it?