Donald Trump told media on Wednesday that immigrants roll over the southern border in "unbelievable vehicles" which are "faster, bigger and stronger" than any our border enforcement personnel have.
January 9, 2019

During a pool spray streamed by all of the major cable networks earlier Wednesday, Donald Trump riffed on the "unbelievable vehicles" driven by unknown immigrants, most of whom walked from Guatemala to the southern border.

Trump: "They make a lot of money. They have the best vehicles you can buy. Stronger, bigger and faster vehicles than our police have and ICE has and Border Patrol has. So they're pretty good at that. They have areas that they go to. It's like a highway. And we have to close them up and if we don't close them up you're all kidding yourselves. Look, we can all play games. But a wall is a necessity. All of the other things, the sensors and the drones, it's all wonderful to have and works well but only if you have the wall."

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