The Hammer Coming Down On Manafort Edition.
One less thing about which to worry: Yastreblyansky of The Rectification of Names is not as worried about 2020 post-election hijinks as some others are.
"Freedom Pox": Strangely Blogged dissects the great "Give Me Liberty, & Death by Measles!" phony-to-absurd controversy promulgated by idiots.
Other continuing controversies: A.I.P.A.C. influence. Marcy (Emptywheel) Wheeler states: "Eli Lake's serial defense of Bibi Netanyahu's clandestine tampering make him the poster child proving Ilhan Omar right." So there.
Fair game: All "adult" Trumps. They aren't "children" any more. Spoiled brats, yes, but well over 21. From upyernoz at Rubber Hose.
Bonus from Zandar: Meat The Press. Furrin & domestic, the press is the enemy!
Assembled by M. Bouffant.
Still accepting suggestions (For this feature only, & should be a link to a blog post.) at mbru (at) crooksandliars (dot) com.