Mike's Blog Round Up
Credit: photo by M. Bouffant
August 17, 2019

The Buying Greenland Edition.

The more things "change": Based on Republican talking points, The Rude Pundit does not have positive expectations for Republican legislation on gun safety.

What are right-wingers doing, then? OWNING THE LIBS!! And how are they doing it? PRANK CALLS!! To the Supreme Court switchboard. That'll show 'em! Big Bad Bald Bastard has the scoop.

Also from the Court: Balkinization on epistemic closure.

A long one ("8 min read") for the weekend, & nicely illustrated: Scott Soriano at Medium.

Bonus Track: Ala-damn-bama by Max's Dad.

Carefully curated by Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant. One more chance to submit something at mbru(at)crooksandliars.com.

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