So, the RNC is buying up nearly $100,000 of Donald Trump Jr's book, to hand out to donors. A not uncommon practice by either party, albeit for real politicians not family members. What's unusual though is that when asked about this by New York Times reporter Nick Confessore they lied about it, naturally. But I suppose that's par for the course with today's Republican Party.
Source: Buzzfeed
Donald Trump Jr.’s new book, Triggered, hit the top of the New York Times’ bestsellers list this month with the help of nearly $100,000 in purchases from the Republican National Committee.
Federal Election Commission records list a $94,800 payment — identified as “donor mementos” — to on Oct. 29. That same day, the president’s son signed an RNC fundraising email promising signed copies of the book to those who contribute at least $50 to the party. “This limited-time opportunity ends SOON,” Trump Jr. wrote, “so be sure to claim your signed copy of my new book NOW.”
The FEC filing was first noticed by a New York Times reporter. RNC spokesperson Michael Joyce confirmed the expense in an email to BuzzFeed News.
As for the book sales, the New York Times had to include the dagger symbol (†) (skull and crossbones might have been apter 🕱) to indicate "bulk sales".
When Triggered appeared on the Times' bestsellers list, it was accompanied by a dagger symbol, indicating bulk purchases instead of organic sales. A Trump campaign official told BuzzFeed News in early November that the campaign had “no plans” for book purchases.
If the RNC "just wanted books to resell, they could have gotten them for less money, direct from the publisher," a New York literary agent told BuzzFeed News. "They spent more, of donors' money, to buy them from BooksAMillion, clearly in an effort to look like 'real' sales."