This is what happens when we hand the reins of power over to a petty, vindictive, spoiled-rotten toddler. Trump suddenly axed the stimulus negotiations in Congress by tweet.
"I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business," he wrote. The entire stream-of-consciousness steroid-tinged tweet stream is pictured below.

CNN's Gloria Borger was furious about his cavalier economic sadism. Wolf Blitzer asked her why he would "scuttle" this stimulus package that might have "perhaps boosted his re-election chances in these final four weeks."
After trying to explain what might have been Trump's craven and cynical political motivations for tanking a deal that might actually help people in this country — including his own voters — Borger zeroed in on the inhumanity of Trump's thoroughly irresponsible move to axe the stimulus deal.
As Adam Serwer famously wrote, the cruelty is the point.