The domestic terrorists planning to kidnap Michigan's governor have a champion in Sheriff Dar Leaf, who took time out of his busy day to defend them from the conspiracy charges they're facing for plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
Leaf was shocked that federal charges were leveled against those poor men.
“It’s just a charge, and they say a plot to kidnap, but you have to remember that, are they trying to kidnap?” Leaf said in an interview with Fox17 News. “Cause a lot of people are angry with the governor and they want her arrested. So, are they trying to arrest or was it a kidnap attempt? Because you still can, in Michigan, if it’s a felony, make a felony arrest.”
You know, I'm angry at the so-called president too and want him arrested for what I view to be criminal acts, but I'm not plotting with some bearded, gun-toting malcontents to kidnap him. Who told those entitled white men that they're allowed to just go arrest a duly elected official because they're pissed off that they can't play their wargames on Saturdays in the woods for a few months?
Not content to stop there, the sheriff went on to spew forth some argle-bargle about a criminal code section allowing them to make this "arrest."
“I think it’s MCO 764.4 or something like that, .5, somewhere around there,” Leaf explained. “It doesn’t say if you’re in elected office you’re exempt from that arrest. So, I have to look at it from that angle and I’m hoping that’s more what it is.”
Hope springs eternal. I'm hoping they lock these neckbeards up and throw away the key.