August 20, 2021

The Clusterfuck Edition. From Afghanistan to the Plague, can these United Snakes do anything right?

On the other hand, from First Draft, a vaguely encouraging story from the world of sports: A football coach who isn't a cretin about the rest of the world.

"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" asks Vixen Strangely, & then she tells Laura Ingraham.

An Angry Bear on plague lockdown effectiveness.

Narratives, & The Lying Liars Who Narrate Them:

But was this primarily a failure by Biden, for deciding to withdraw now? Or was it the unavoidable conclusion of failed policies in Afghanistan across four presidential administrations? Most coverage has focused criticism on Biden. And to bolster that argument, media outlets are relying on many of the people responsible for two decades of failure in Afghanistan. While there are legitimate criticisms of the way Biden executed the withdrawal, the result is an extremely distorted narrative.

From Popular Information.

Bonus Encouragement Track: Vaccine stampede in L.A., w/ toilet humor.

M. Bouffant (the M. does not stand for Mike) did this, for no apparent reason. Submissions considered at

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