Like many of these people, Jackson filled her Facebook with inane memes about COVID and the vaccine, often with the bizarre notion that one should prioritize life instead of fear by remaining unvaccinated. For her, anyway, this made sense. Someone should have asked her what her three small children, all under age 10, would do without a mother, and that maybe just maybe they should be her priority instead of posting stupid Facebook memes. But it's too late for all that. She's dead and they're orphans.
Source: Daily Mail
A Michigan woman who spoke out against mask mandates and the COVID-19 vaccine has died of the virus at age 29, leaving behind three children.
Bridget Jackson, from Port Huron, had frequently promoted her anti-mask, anti-vaccine stance on Facebook, sharing memes and posts including one in which she said she 'understands the risk' of the disease but 'doesn't prioritize fear over life.'
But in late November she came down with the virus herself, writing that it 'sucks' and asking for recommendations for 'lung exercises' she could do.
She passed away on December 21, leaving behind a fiancé and three children under the age of ten.
Just one of the dozens of stupid memes on her Facebook page. "Just because someone isn't afraid of Covid doesn't mean he or she doesn't believe in it. He or she understands the risk but doesn't prioritize fear over life," she wrote.

Her last eloquent response to the COVID-19 pandemic.