May 29, 2022

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills on Sunday blamed the teaching of evolution for a mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

During an interview on Newsmax, Hibbs argued that policymakers should focus on promoting Christianity instead of gun safety laws.

"We teach kids in school, 'God's dead. He's not real. Evolution is true. You're nothing but an animal,'" the pastor complained. "And then we see them act up and we get upset that they don't act like angels. We tell them they're animals, go out there and be a good boy."

"And this man, this young man conducted himself like an animal," Hibbs said of gunman Salvador Ramos. "And it's tragic because, exactly right, where was his mom? Where was his dad? And even if he didn't have a mom and a dad, where was his family members? What went wrong?"

Hibbs also criticized lawmakers who have called for new gun control laws.

"We need to be unpacking that instead of this issue of the Second Amendment," he griped. "This is ridiculous. We need to talk about the heart rather than the Second Amendment!"

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