October 11, 2022

The “I’m not going to say he's being racist” Edition

Cultural roots of American neofascism: This isn't Germany. P.M. Carpenter.

People still get the plague. And people are still idiots. First Draft's JCO tells the story.

Who's backing Herschel Walker? Popular Information investigated & found the usual wealthy scum, many of them anonymous.

Comedy is serious business, as Joisey funnywoman Ariel Elias discovered. From Buttermilk Sky, who quotes a Tweet:

[C]omedian Robin Tran, who said of Trump supporters, "They used to call the Comedy Store to ask and make sure nobody would be making fun of Trump that night. Never seen any other group do that before."

Eff your feelings, snowflakes!

Done for nothing (And worth every penny!) by M. Bouffant. Suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com will be considered.

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