The "Finally, Flying Cars" Edition
Is this an extreme position? "Shall Not Be Infringed 4: Republicans love Guns and want you Dead", per Disaffected and it Feels So Good.
War News from Earth-Bound Misfit: "Ribbentrop Says that the Poles Started the War and that Germany is Trying to Stop It". Says everything.
A schadenfreude-ilicious CPAC recap from The Mahablog has many of the lowlights; News Corpse has one more lowlight, from Matt Gaetz. We bet Gaetz would like to defund the police, at least the sex crime units.
Bonus from Burr Deming at FairAndUnbalanced, who rounds 'em up on a wkly. basis.
By M. Bouffant, who is free at last! on parole for four wks. Pls. stop sending your advertising proposals to (Suggestions for this feature are gladly accepted!) If you can't figure out the "Contact" button no one is interested in your grifty proposals.