January 31, 2024

I’m Jewish but I have always had trouble thinking of Graham’s name next to the word “Christianity.” He’s a guy who loves the sexual assaulting, hate monger and liar Donald Trump but attacks Pete Buttigieg as unchristian. Graham has also made bigoted statements about President Barack Obama.

So, it feels like a bit of divine retribution that a Christian organization is giving Graham a very public damning, as noted by The Roys Report. The liberal Faithful America group has posted a petition asking venues to cancel events that are part of Graham's "God Loves You Frontera" tour. Faithful America's petition has already surpassed the original goal of 20,000 signatures.

In addition to citing Graham’s bigotry, the petition also notes that Graham “has also helped spread Donald Trump's baseless claims of a stolen election, downplayed the January 6 attack on our nation's Capitol by blaming it on "antifa" rather than pro-Trump insurrectionists, and amplified more recent anti-government conspiracy theories that ultimately led to a wave of death threats against FBI employees, judges, and other federal officials.”

The petition calls Graham’s tour “especially distasteful and hypocritical given that, in an effort to dismiss criticisms of Donald Trump's immigration policies, Graham once falsely claimed that immigration is ‘not a Bible issue’ -- yet there are few topics the Bible addresses more.”

“As Christians, we are tired of seeing him hijack and twist our faith for partisan hatred,” the petition further states. “Event venues have pulled out of Graham's tours in objection to his support for discrimination and conspiracy theories before, and we hope that you will now do the same.”

According to The Roys Report, Faithful America plans some on-the-ground events in some of the same cities where Graham is scheduled to speak, but no dates have been set yet.

You can sign the petition here.

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