Tucker Carlson Begins Hosting Program On Russia 24
Credit: URA.RU
May 21, 2024

I suppose it's fitting that Tucker's first show on the Russian state tv channel will be about ticks and Lyme disease. Parasites who feed on the blood of humans (and animals) seem to be what Tucker is all about too.

(Translated below from the original Russian.)

Source: URA.RU (Russia)

An American journalist and former Fox News presenter began hosting his own show on Russian television. The TUCKER show is shown on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

The TUCKER show itself is a joint project of the YouTube channel “Carlson TV” and “Russia 24”. The first issue is dedicated to ticks and Lyme disease. Carlson talks with an expert throughout the broadcast about the problem of the spread of the disease.

In February of this year, Carlson visited Moscow and interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin. During his visit, the journalist admired the beauty of the Russian capital. At the end of April, the correspondent talked with philosopher Alexander Dugin.

UPDATE: Carlson's team now denies granting permission and that the Russians just broadcast his show without approval. Tucker Carlson wouldn't violate U.S. sanctions against Russia, would he? At the very least, Carlson's FARA report continues to expand.

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