June 5, 2024

If you thought it couldn't get any better than Donald Trump going 34 for 34 ("it was a perfect deliberation!") on "guilties" for the charges against him in his "I-paid-off-the-porn-star" trial, it could. It did. It has.

You see, only four days before the Republican National Convention is Donald Trump's sentencing for his perfect 34 for 34. I mean, even I was like, "dayum." But nobody made the mook run for President, and he gets no special dispensation for that. Too bad.

So now Republicans are privately fretting that Trump will have to give his acceptance speech to become the Republican nominee from...The Big House. L.O.L.

We discuss and give you some insight into what could happen in our video. Check it out!! And please SUBSCRIBE to my channel, "Cliff's Edge," where we believe in alpha-liberalism, humor and making sure to negatively message MAGA--non-stop until what we say does the damage required.

I hope to see there

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