July 13, 2024

My God, did it take forever. We were reaching a point where one might wonder if truculent upside-down flag flying (it was my wife!) Alito could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

What these jackals have done is stunning. Their personal corruption, from yacht trips to chartered flights, is unprecedented for members of the Supreme Court. They've clumsily rewritten the original intent of The Founders on guns, religion, money in politics and presidential lawbreaking, turned back progress on voting rights, workers' rights, women's rights and so much more.

Easily the most lawless RW Court in 100 yrs and they're arrogant AF about it whenever one of us plebes dare question the quackery of these unelected Republicans in Robes (one of whom occupies a stolen seat). Again, it took long enough, but good for AOC.

Whether we can muster the votes (almost impossible) isn't the point. The point is we must always stand up to corrupt, fascist traitors, we must always use our government to make clear what we stand for, as Republicans do all the time, and we must get Republicans on the record supporting their corruption and right wing extremism. A great step forward.

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