July 23, 2024

Fox News's Dana Perino does not like hearing the Democratic talking point (and completely factual) that Donald Trump is the oldest person in United States history to be nominated for president by a major party. Older than Joe Biden. Older than Ronald Reagan.

Said Dana Perino: "All of a sudden this memo basically goes out that says Trump is now the oldest nominee in history, and it is so incredibly ridiculous because they actually seem to believe that cutesy ridiculousness like that might work."

Yes, inconvenient facts such as Donald Trump is old become "cutesy ridiculousness" on Fox News.

Source: People Magazine

With the news that Joe Biden is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, Donald Trump's campaign is facing a new challenge: that the Republican — who has spent years criticizing Biden's age — is now the oldest person in United States history to be nominated for president by a major party.

Biden, 81, has for years been subject to criticism about his perceived cognitive health, and polls have shown that a majority of voters had concerns about the president's age even well before the 2024 campaign got underway.

But on Sunday, July 21, Biden dropped out of the presidential race in a historic move and promptly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who is 59.

The news that Biden is no longer running means that the issue of age may now fall solely on 78-year-old Trump. Polls have long suggested that voters would prefer to see younger candidates on the general election ballot.
If elected to serve a second term, Trump will leave office when he's 82 years and 7 months old. That would surpass Biden's anticipated record of 82 years and 2 months old, again making Trump the oldest president in U.S. history.

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