July 30, 2024

Politics and religion should have never entwined, but here we are. The felonious former President has been desperately trying to garner support from right-wing Christians, but it's noticeable that he's not trying to sway Independents and swing voters to vote for him.

During an interview with 'Sid & Friends In The Morning,' Trump agreed with the host, Sid Rosenberg, that Kamala Harris's Jewish husband is a "crappy Jew."

"Any Jewish person that voted for her or him or whoever it's going to be, I assume it's going to be her, anybody that did that should have their head examined," Trump, who needs his head examined, said.

Trump went on to disparage Jewish people in New York, saying that they do not "like Israel."

"If you love Israel or if you're Jewish, because a lot of Jewish people do not like Israel, and they happen to be in New York, you know that," he said.

Fact check: You can love Israel and dislike Netanyahu at the same time. Imagine that.

"But if you are Jewish, regardless of Israel, if you're Jewish, if you vote for a Democrat, you're a fool, an absolute fool," Trump continued. "They have let Jewish people down since Obama at a level that nobody could believe possible."

"You know, 15 years ago, the strongest lobby in all of Washington with it was Israel," Chatty Cathy said. "It was by far the strongest. Nobody would say anything bad about Israel today."

"It's like nobody says anything good except Republicans, by the way," Trump continued. "Nobody says anything good about it."

"Oh, I know," the host said.

"15 years ago, you couldn't say a bad thing," Trump bizarrely claimed. "You'd be out of office."

"And today it's almost like, I mean, Schumer has become a Palestinian, Chuck Schumer is officially now a Palestinian," he continued.

"It's funny, but it's true," Rosenberg said while laughing.

Note: You can be Jewish and sympathize with the Palestinian people, including children, who are in an impossible situation in Gaza. Hamas has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007.

"And they tell me that this, uh, this Harris's husband, Doug Emhoff, Mr. (former) President, is Jewish," the host said. "He's Jewish like Bernie Sanders is Jewish."

"Are you kidding me?" Rosenberg added. "He's a crappy Jew. He's a horrible Jew."

Trump can be heard in agreement, saying, "Yeah, yeah."

Who knew that the 'Jews will replace us' guy would be messaging and agreeing with antisemitic remarks? And yeah, I know that Rosenberg is Jewish, but to borrow a phrase, maybe he's the crappy Jew. I don't even know what Trump is, but he certainly has never practiced Jesus's teachings.

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