September 3, 2024

As noted before, the operation 'Let the felon speak' works splendidly. To prove that point, Trump had a sit-down interview with the co-founder of Moms for Liberty, the pro-censorship conservative group, Tiffany Justice, about 1,400 days after the 2020 election.

Trump has played MAGA like a greasy fiddle, and even the red hats won't take his word for it that he duped them about what he has previously called a "rigged" election.

"And we got 10 or 12 million votes more than that, more than anybody had ever got," Trump said. "We got the most votes of anybody, of any sitting president in history."

Here it comes.

"And he beat us by a whisker," he continued. "And it was a terrible thing. They used COVID to cheat, and it was a terrible thing."

"And then I watched, and I thought it was very, very sad because of, you know, the election was, it brought great division to the country," he added.

He just had to fit the word 'cheat' in there, as if Democrats created the global pandemic to keep his whiny corrupt ass out of the White House. Imagine being that broken.

The division that the felon speaks of was a self-inflicted injury that brought democracy to the brink. The division's catalyst was Donald J. Trump, who, because of his narcissistic brain, cannot admit defeat, so he sent a mob of his supporters to the Capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power. The damage this one man has done is breathtaking. And over 7 million votes is not a "whisker," Mr. Big Brain.

MAGA, you've been played.

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