October 9, 2024

The Colbert audience loves Kamala Harris so much they chanted her name and pronounced it correctly, ha!

This was AFTER the funniest Colbert cold open in memory:

But getting serious, Harris told Stephen Colbert that Trump's attacks on hurricane relief efforts are cynical, corrupt, and crude.

Demented Donald and his MAGA cult seized on another outrageous lie, claiming Biden's administration is giving migrants all the money that should be going to North Carolina from FEMA.

HARRIS: What just upsets me so is the idea that any politician would play political games with these folks, with people who are in the midst of such suffering, loss of life, loss of their homes, loss of normalcy, and then for the sake of political gain, tell these lies in a way that is meant to make people distrust the help that is there for them to receive.

It just is something we have to say, look, at some point, we have to work together.

And I'll tell you, there are plenty of leaders who are working in a bipartisan way.

The vice president praised governors facing the latest wave of violent hurricanes.

HARRIS: This kind of manipulation is a cynical and corrupt luxury that people are using.

And it's crude. And it's crude. Have you no empathy, man?

No, for the suffering of other people? Have you no sense of purpose?

If you purport to be a leader, you understand that being a leader means lifting people up in a time of need and not manipulating them.

MAGA media minions, including Fox News, have been running wild with disinformation and outright lies about the state of FEMA and the resources they have been bringing to North Carolina and Florida.

Republican governors in those states praised the administration for doing everything it could to assist the state in a time of crisis.

The narcissistic buffoon does not understand the word empathy and never will.

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