October 9, 2024

Donald Trump can't get over the wide-ranging 60 Minutes interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, the same show the chickenshit refused to appear on. He took to Truth Social this morning to launch a laughable conspiracy theory, demanding an investigation into television's oldest and most-watched newsmagazine.

"I’ve never seen this before, but the producers of 60 Minutes sliced and diced (“cut and pasted”) Lyin’ Kamala’s answers to questions, which were virtually incoherent, over and over again, some by as many as four times in a single sentence or thought, all in an effort, possibly illegal as part of the “News Division,” which must be licensed, to make her look “more Presidential,” or a least, better. It may also be a major Campaign Finance Violation," he wrote with his angry little fingers.

"This is a stain on the reputation of 60 Minutes that is not recoverable - It will always remain with this once storied brand," he added. "I have never heard of such a thing being done in “News.” It is the very definition of FAKE NEWS! The public is owed a MAJOR AND IMMEDIATE APOLOGY! This is an open and shut case, and must be investigated, starting today!"

Donald was extended an invitation but broke 50 years of presidential campaign tradition by refusing to appear on the show.

“The Trump campaign offered shifting explanations. First, it complained that we would fact-check the interview," CBS News' Scott Pelley said at the show's start. "We fact-check every story. Later, Trump said he needed an apology for his interview in 2020. Trump had previously declined another debate with Harris.”

Ohhhh. He's back to the apology part. During his interview with Leslie Stahl, he walked off the set. He couldn't handle it, but Kamala Harris could take on tough questions.

Cry it out, Donald. Cry it out.

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