October 18, 2024

Last night, Donald J. Trump attended the Al Smith dinner as the former President casually chatted with the political elite, who knew he was a threat to democracy. He also complained about how badly he was treated during his presidency at the ritzy Catholic event. Poor Donald:(

Trump kicked off his morning by complaining on Fox & Friends about how unfair it is that negative ads are aired on Fox News.

"When I leave, I'll have 12 people from Kamala on and, you know, pretty much unopposed," he insisted. "For 19 days, I don't think we should do that anymore."

"I think you shouldn't play negative ads," Trump continued. "It's very tough. You do a show, and I complain all the time about it."

"I love complaining," he said. "I love complaining. I like to have everything perfect. But when I leave here, I'll have 200 people from..."

"Because they buy time on Fox," Brian Kilmeade said.

"Right," Donald added. "You know, by the time you do it, you say, what are you doing?"

A narcissist can't handle even the slightest bit of criticism, so Harris's powerful ads must be making him hurtle bottles of ketchup on his Mar-a-Lago corridors before going to his room in a fit and eventually curling up in the corner on the floor, sucking his thumb on his tiny hands.

UPDATE: The Harris-Walz campaign issued a retort:

Donald Trump has no message for the American people and is resorting to the same old tired playbook of darkness and division. For Donald Trump, this campaign isn’t about the American people, it’s about himself and his petty grievances. Not even Fox & Friends can protect Trump from himself, so it’s no wonder Trump’s handlers refuse to let him debate and keep canceling interviews with mainstream outlets.”

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