October 18, 2024

During a rally in La Crosse Wisconsin, VP Harris dispatched a heckler with a few simple words that were graceful, had dignity, and were very funny.

The Vice President was campaigning in a battleground state instead of going to the Al Smith dinner since she's only been running for office for a couple of months, and the dinner is just a big elite powwow with bad jokes and rubber chicken.

Kamala Harris was dissing Trump and his hijacking of the Supreme Court when she received some heckling. She stopped and smiled.

"Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally," Harris jabbed, with a big smile on her face.

The crowd cheered. Harris waved.

"No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street. Come on!" She laughed.

That's the wey to do it.

Demented Don would be demanding the heckler get beat up.

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