October 3, 2024

Trump told Kellyanne Conway that he is the "father of IVF" because he was in favor of it after overturning Roe v. Wade and putting a woman's right to control her own body in jeopardy.

What a pig.

The discussion was on abortion, but Trump took a left turn into IVF.

"And on the IVF, on the fertilization, I think I'm in a way the father of that, because I'm the one that immediately, when it came up, said, nope, we want to help women, and I'm totally in favor of it," Trump claimed. "And we took an early position."

IVF has been around since 1978, ass-hat.

Trump's MAGA cult has taken a position against IVF and all forms of birth control..

An Alabama court has taken a position against IVF claiming embryos are living, breathing children.

Senate Republicans recently voted against a measure supporting IVF. "By blocking the Right to IVF Act, Senate Republicans have fallen in line with MAGA extremists who have made it clear IVF is their next target," Chuck Schumer said.

Trump is the father of something, but it's not IVF.

He is the father of lies, chaos, and immorality.

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