Trump fetishist's Kid rock and Eric Bolling fantasized about certain parts of Donald Trump's anatomy that was off putting to say the least.
The two imbeciles were making fun of Canada as if old-man Donald was some sort of he-man, instead of being a bloating mental deficient
BOLLING: You know, Kid, what about, what about these, these, these Canadian, this, this Canadian knucklehead, you know, one of those parliament people who said, we're going to shut off electricity power and gas service to people in Detroit and in America, if you don't stop with the tariff things, what's your message to them?
KID: Good luck defending yourself if something bad goes down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We are. We are fortunate. And they're lucky.
I mean, they're basically going to try the, you know, the bigger, the bigger penis game with Trump and they're not going to win.
BOLLING: (Laughing) Like, I have no background to comment on whether that's an accurate or not accurate statement.
I digress. I digress. I digress. I digress.
Doesn't it seem like Kid Rock wished he had some prior knowledge?
These are the people Demented Donald is letting lead the country at the moment.