Zandar Versus The Stupid: Wikileaks' Next Bombshell to Make International Diplomacy Like 'Survivor'
The Democratic Daily: Rep. Jan Schakowsky's Superior Deficit Reduction Plan Protects Poor, Middle-Class
The Reaction on Limbaugh's attack on those 'Socialist Pilgrims.' Next thing ya' know, the Wingnuts' War on Thanksgiving will claim that the "First Feast" was financed With food stamps.
Empire Burlesque: End-Game for the Elite’s One-Way Class War
Moridura:The New Media and its role and significance in political campaigning
And finally, on an uplifting note, a federal judge balances the scales for gender equality!
Guest post by Don Davis of The Satirical Political Report. E-mail tips to Don at satiricalpolitical AT gmail DOT com.